Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 11 - Love Cherishes 7/3/11

Today's Dare

What need does your spouse have that you could meet today?  Can you run an errand?  Give a back rub or a foot massage?  Is there housework you could help with?  Choose a gesture that says, "I cherish you" and do it with a smile.

What did you choose to show that you cherish your mate?  What did you learn from this experience?

Again, today's dare is going to be hard to complete, but I as always will do my best to complete it.

It's already after 6pm and I can't bring myself to do anything for him.  I cherish Dave.  I really do, but I can't complete todays dare with a smile.  I feel betrayed once agian and find myself crying today.  I obviously can't go into the issue entirely because my blog is public and I feel if I did I would betray Dave if I did.  But Im not dumb and I was not born yesterday.  I don't know why you choose other "things" over me.  I throw myself out there for you.  You ignore my every need, wish and word.  I do not know how to live my life happily when I am ignored in every single fashion know to man.  You have no idea how much you are breaking me down to the point where it is hard to life my head off my pillow in the morning and soak it with tears every night.  I can't even try and express my sefl with out tears running down my face.  I need help.  I need someone to hug me and to tell me that it is ok.  That I am not fat, ugly and undersireable because apparently I am all of these things to my husband.  It's so off how a married man walking with his wife in public can obviously stare of me for whatever reason and I cannot get my Husband to turn his head and look at me.  Not even for the two seconds that I walk past him in the livingroom.  I eat dinner alone, I shower alone, I go places alone, I sleep alone and I dream alone.  Wishing my husband would come back and do all of these things with me.  I just dont know what to do anymore.  Ill have to try another day to complete this dare..or perhaps..take a nap and forget the issue that has come to my attention today and just move on with the dare. 

I will try and update later.

I was on my way to my Moms thinking on how I COULD continue today's dare.  then I remembered that I had cleaned out the bill box and organized our paycheck stubs. So..I will count that for todays dare. That is his area of the house and I cleaned it up for him. 

Favorite Phrase:

When you mistreat your spouse, you are mistreating yourself.  Think about it.  Your lives are not interwoven together.  Your spoiuse cannot experience joy or pain, blessing or cursing, without it affecting you.  So when you attack your mate, it is like attacking your own body.

It's time to let love change yours thinking.  It's time for you to realize that your spouse is as much as part of you are your hand, your eye, or your heart.  she, too, needs to be loved and cherished.  And if she has issues causing pain or frustation, then you should care for these with the same lovee and tenderness as you would a bodily injury.  If he is wounded in some way, you should think of yourself as an instrument that helps bring healing to is life. 

When you look at your mate, you're looking at a part of YOU.  So treat your mate well.  Speak highly of them.  Nourtish and cherish the love of your life.

 I thought about this one a lot today.  I really tried to not mistreat Dave and talk bad about him or even be angry with him today.  But I am only human and I need to vent just like everyone else.  I agree that your spouse is a part of you.  If I am upset, I know Dave is upset.  If he is upset, then I feel upset.  Its the same thing.  So, again, yes I agree with these statements.  Treat your spouse well as if they are a part of you.

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