Today's Dare:
Eliminate the poison of unrealiztic expectations in your home. Think of one area where your spouse has told you you're expecting too much, and tell them you're sorry for being so hard on them about it. Promise them you'll seek to understand and assure them of your unconditional love.
When you place high expectations on your spouse that they don't feel internally motivated to attain, waht does that tell you about yourself? What are some better ways to deal with these disconnects?
I dont think o put high expectations on Dave. I only expect him to work as hard as I do while at home. I think if I cook, clean, etc that he should only be expected to do the same without me asking or without things piling up and the house being destroyed to where I am running around with MY head cut off to try and clean things up. That is all I EXPECT of him. Although when he is working and going to class multiple days a week I don't expect much of him at all during the week and I "allow" him to "slack" off. Meaning..I dont bitch or complain or get upset with him.
Favorite Phrase:
"How can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out ofyour eye," tand behold the log is in your own eye? You hyprocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to tkae the speck out of your brother's eye"
Exactly......Dont give advice to me...and I don't give advice to you. Your relationship problems are just as bad...if not worse then my own. can read this as I myself can't be pissed at Dave for being lazy when I have been sleeping the whole damn day due to whatever. But I love this phrase and I remember when Pastor Dave did a sermon on this phrase. I don't think I will ever forget it.
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