Today's Dare:
Determine to guard your mate's secrets (unless they are dangerous to them or to you) and to pray for them. Talk with your spouse, and resolve to demonstrate love in spite of these issues. Really listen to them when they share personal thoughts and struggles with you. Make them feel safe.
How much of an effort is it for you to hold back from saying something, critial or otherwise? What have you learned about your spouse today, simply from listening?
I know Dave has secrets...even secrets he tries to keep from me. But I know more then what he thinks I do. I will pray for those things and not bring them up to make him feel like his secrets aren't safe with me, but again, I will pray that these things go away.
Today has been AWESOME! We have spent so much time together it's such a great feeling. We have been watching netflix all day, he held my hand on the couch, we had some intimate moments and he went with me to my parents house. He didnt want to, but he didnt put up a huge fight like he normally does. Today has been sooo worth all of this.
He has put his hands on my belly felt the baby move several times today. I am starting to feel like I have morning sickness again at 31 weeks. So he's been more supportive of that as well. Thankfully I got all the laundry done yesterday and all I did was go grocery shopping and I did that alone..which I never get to do and felt like I was going to throw up in the store so I had to hurry through that shopping experience.
Anyway, again, today has been fantastic!!!!!!!!
Favorite Phrase:
If home is not considered a place of safety, you will both be tempted to seek it somewhere else. Perhaps you might look to another person, initiating a relationship that either flirts with adultery or actually enters in. You may look for comfort in work or in outside hobbies, something that partially shields you from intimacy but also keeps you around people who respect and accept you.
I think Dave and I are both guilty of this. He games with people and I chat with people. Im sure his gaming buddies accept his palying behavior way more then I ever will and the people I chat with fill the void that Dave doesnt give me. They tell me how pretty I am and how great pregnant I look and that he is missing out on so much, etc etc etc. Not only are these men..but women also. I do not intend to pursue anything outside of my relationship and I would NEVER take it to that level but it is nice to hear strangers tell me how pretty I am. I dont get that at home.
Your mate should not feel pressured to be perfect in order to receive your approval. They should not walk on eggshells in the very place where they ought to feel the most comfortable in their bare feet. Being naked and not ashamed should exist in the same sentence, right in your marriage --physically and emotionally.
This I have to say....I dont feel comfortable in my own skin. I feel I need to look my best, smell my best, try to act on my best behavior for him to give me any sort of attention. I am pretty sure he feels comfy in all areas listed above though. If not, he has never told me or acted as if he didnt.
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