Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 5 - Love is Not Rude

Today's Dare

Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you.  You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior.  This is from their perspective only.

What things did your spouse point out about you that need your attention?  How did you handle hearing it?  What do you plan to do to improve these areas?

((NOTE::  I started this section about 9pm last night))  I wanted to start something since we are sitting next to each other and we are not in bad moods.  He said when I am not annoying that he can not come up with anything. So I said Wouldnt annoying be one thing then?  He doesnt think so.  So I was just staring at him and he said What?  I said, Im just watching you play your game waiting for answers and he said Well, that look you are giving me is annoying.  I said What look is that...and he made some messed up face...that I didnt think I was making quit frankly.  So...Im going to put annoying as number 1. 

This may be a tough dare.  If I cant get answers from him, then how can I keep going on with each dare to complete the challenge?  Do I skip it and come back or do I continue to go on or do I sit here and actually wait for answers?  I told him that with the book that I got I need to know these things.  He asked what book I got and I told him I couldnt tell him anymore then that and I needed his input in order to complete this and that I would tell him at the end of it.

I would also like to add that this a prime example of..we dont have communication. If he cant explain to me what he doesnt like about me how am I supossed to change and make things better?  How do I continue to go on?  I dont know what else to say to him to make him give me answers.  I guess I just give up and move on.  At least I got a half way one answer from him.  I thought this dare might be a little bit easier.....guess it just gets harder from here on out.  Fingers crossed once again that we can get through this dare......

Im back today..on actually Day 5.  I closed with what is above and told him I was going to bed.  He made a kissing noise and said "Can I have a kiss?"  So I leaned over and gave him one and said "You have till 10pm tomorrow ((meaning now..tonight at 10pm)) to give me 2 more answers to help me finish today's dare.  Soo..hopefully I will be able to update later tonight.

On the annoying answer, honestly Im not at all sure how to fix it.  The last time he said I was annoying we were just joking around and he was laughing and I was laughing..he never came out and told me to stop.  So I didnt know I was being annoying.  I like to laugh and joke and have fun. That is me.  So I guess Ill have to ask him to tell me when Im being annoying so I can stop doing what Im doing that is annoying him so much.


1.  I hate how you come down the stairs 50,000 times and say are you coming to bed yet, are you coming to bed yet, are you coming to bed yet?

2.  I hate how you tell the kids they can't do something and then 10 mins later you let them do it.

3.  I hate how you start something and then move onto something else and then onto something else then go back to the first one and finish it. 

So my idea to fix these things...I dont come downstairs 50,000 and ask him when he is coming to bed. I will stick to my word on the kids and for my ocd cleaning..I will try to work on that.

Favorite Phrase:

Do you wish your spouse would quit doing things that bother you?  Then it's time to stop doing things that bother them.  Will you be thoughtful and loving enough to discover and avoid the behavior that causes life to be unpleasant for your mate?  Will you dare to be delightful?

I do wish Dave would stop doing things.  For instance..stop dipping, stop staying up really late every night and stop farting so much.  LOL...but really..these are the things I bitch about the most.  So I guess I could stop bitching about them..because I know that makes life unpleasant for him.  But I like the way it asks you if you want your spouse to stop doing things and then turns around and says..well..then you stop it too.  Basically 2 wrongs dont make a right kind of thing.  I know my Mom has always instilled that into my head.

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