Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 26- Love is Responsible 7/25/11

Today's Dare

Take time to pray through your areas of wrongdoing.  As for God's forgiveness, then humble yourself enough to admit them to your spouse.  Do it sincerely and truthfully.  As your spouse for forgiveness as well.  No matter how they respond, make sure you cover your responsibility in love.  Even if they respond with criticism, accept it by receivng it as counsel.

What does your mate need to see in order to believe that your confession was more then just words?

I honestly dont know what I could ask forgiveness for.  I myself, dont think I have done anything that I need to ask forgiveness for. I asked Dave if he thought I should ask forgiveness for something...anything and he said he didn't know. 

OHHHHHHH WAIIIITTTTT!!!!!! Venting on Facebook, Baby Center and here! :)  ugh...really?  I have to ask for I need to continue on.

Ok, so I said the above to him and asked him if he could forgive me for that and he said that he could.  So we will see if it is brought up in later fights. ;)  Then I will know if he really did forgive me or not.

Favorite Phrase

A real heart of repentance may take a while to grow in you.  Pride is very resistant to responsibility, but humility and honesty before God and your spouse is crucial for a healthy relationship.

and it sucked..but I did it.  blah...

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